Pass It On

Principle #6: Pass It On

It was their final training jump. As the commanding officer, he was the last one off the plane. He had to hit the ground and run a short distance in order to graduate. He had trained his troop well, and each one landed and ran.

As fate would have it, his landing was extra hard, and he hurt his leg badly. When he got up, he could barely stand, let alone run. His men saw his distress and immediately ran to his aid, helping him complete the run. They were not going to let their leader fail.

The commitment to help another succeed was a lesson he had passed on. There were many other traits, values, and skills he had conveyed. He instinctively taught others and was a role model. William was a ranking officer, a clearly designated leader. Many leaders do not understand who views them as a leader, watching, learning, copying.

For years I have called this “passing the mantle of leadership”. Historically, a mantle was a special garment ceremoniously bestowed upon royalty as a symbol of authority. I have heard this story time and time again from leaders as they recall the moment when they felt the privilege and responsibility of leadership had been placed upon their shoulders.

It does not happen to everyone, but it is a profound experience for those it does. Most often, it is given by a person who is a recognized leader, either by others or the recipient. It is not a tangible elaborate garment, but a weaving of words and actions which bestow the title of leader upon another. When this happens, there is a moment when the significance of this event is absorbed by the recipient.

Sadly, it does not happen to everyone who is a leader, and sometimes it is given very late in life. I believe it to be a privilege, even a responsibility, for leaders to perform this act in whatever way suitable and pass it on, a leader validating another leader. Leaders creating leaders. It may seem unimportant, but I tell you, It changes lives.

Principles Learned Along the Way

Adhere to these principles

Be Hungry to Learn

The man in the restroom was drying his hands as I came through the door. “Harold, what did you think of that speaker we just heard? His reply was, “He was…

Find Your Voice

She was leaning forward, lips animated, wagging her finger directly in his face. I was waiting in my car watching the drama unfold…

Let Your Light Shine

“She was confident, cheery, motivated, personable, and I hated her for it.” Those words came from Emily, a university Leadership Institute student during…

Support Their Dreams

He was sitting across from me, his head lowered. “I don’t think I can do this. I’m too old to do it.” He thought…

Ask Tough Questions

“Why don’t you tell others your story?” I asked. She responded with, “Are you kidding!” She continued…

Pass It On

It was their final training jump. As the commanding officer, he was the last one off the plane. He had to hit the ground…


Responding to people, writing, national initiative, enjoying life. (See more about this on the about page –  the fun bio!)

First of all, I respond to just about anything. I have been called Kevin, Steve, Fitz, Kirk, Rick, Kirk Patrick, Captain Kirk, and Skeeter (wherever that came from).

If you would like to chat, send me an email with your areas of interest and we can set a time. 

Presentations: Tailored to your needs, witty, creative, and fun! I push people to think deeply, discover and act.

Executive Coaching: Clients have told me an hour of my time was more productive than the total time spent with another coach. I ask tough questions and tell you things no one else ever has.

Consultation: My effectiveness with groups of leaders comes because I challenge them! (See more about this on the about page – the fun bio!)