Do you know what drives your leadership? Do you know the “why” of your efforts?

Keith's Answer #3

At some point in your life, you will be asked “what is the secret of your success” or “how do you define success”. The answer lies in the foundation of who you are as a person and the leadership roles which have taken you to that success.

People want to understand how and why you have made an impact or accomplished what you have. They are looking for insights and answers. Understanding what drives you tells others the “why” and “how” of your leadership.

It happened to me in 2006 on one of my earlier trips to teach in an MBA program at Belarus State University in Minsk.  During one of the evening classes, a student challenged me. “Why should we listen to you? You are not Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Warren Buffet.”

The question caught me off guard. It was a fair question though. Why should these students listen to an unknown from the U.S.? They wanted to hear from someone who was a success, or had at least determined what would make a person successful.

Back in my room that evening, I faced the confrontation. I am proud of the answer I wrote and shared with them the next evening.  My answer still stands. You may not see yourself as successful, but I guarantee you there are people who do. And one day, they will ask you!

How Do You Answer These Questions?

Question #1:

Is your life full of rich experiences?

Question #2:

Do you surround yourself with great people?

Question #3:

Do you know what drives your leadership?

Question #4:

Do you know who you want to be?


Responding to people, writing, national initiative, enjoying life. (See more about this on the about page –  the fun bio!)

First of all, I respond to just about anything. I have been called Kevin, Steve, Fitz, Kirk, Rick, Kirk Patrick, Captain Kirk, and Skeeter (wherever that came from).

If you would like to chat, send me an email with your areas of interest and we can set a time. 

Presentations: Tailored to your needs, witty, creative, and fun! I push people to think deeply, discover and act.

Executive Coaching: Clients have told me an hour of my time was more productive than the total time spent with another coach. I ask tough questions and tell you things no one else ever has.

Consultation: My effectiveness with groups of leaders comes because I challenge them! (See more about this on the about page – the fun bio!)