Children Are a Delight! Really?


We all love children. Well, most of us do. How about those wonderful people who work with kids, particularly the tiny tots and babies? It must be so rewarding to spend time with those cute, little cherubs. They make you smile, are so much fun to play with, and they say the darndest things. They will hold your hand, give you hugs and kisses, and think everything you do is funny.

Their laughter fills the room, and their footsteps occupy the hallway. They giggle, dance, jump, and sing. We watch them master language, learn to walk then run, recite the alphabet, count to ten. They show delight, are easily surprised and express their appreciation in so many tender ways. How fortunate are those who are provided the golden opportunity to spend time with these miniature miracles of life? It must be one of the most rewarding things to ever do.

Wait! Someone must change their diapers, wipe the snot from their faces. Who cleans up the poop and barf? How about the whining and crying? Then there is pushing, shoving, and whacking the other kids with their toys. “It’s mine, you can’t have it, I hate you, you’re mean”. Have we forgotten the uncontrollable screaming and ear-piercing sounds which are indescribable? “Honey, I don’t understand what you’re saying, now don’t get mad.” There’s cut fingers, gum in the hair, stubbed toes. They fall, get stuck, hide, and disappear. Did I mention tantrums and demands? How did these tiny angels turn into little devils?

Are we now reconsidering how wonderful it is to work with small children? Yes, there are tough times and a variety of challenges while tending to these wee ones. Almost anyone, who does it, will tell you, that it’s all worth it, the good outweighs the bad, the joy supersedes the pain, and the love conquers the trials.

Great praise should be heaped upon the moms and dads who tenderly care for their children. We must also appreciate the sacrifice and commitment of daycare workers, babysitters, nannies, and pre-school teachers. We should additionally recognize the grandparents, neighbors, and relatives who help or carry the responsibility. So, next time someone tells you that children are a delight, don’t fall into the trap of responding “really?” as you think about all of the “not so great” aspects. Instead, revel in the moment of remembering all the great stuff which comes from spending time with kids.
