Risk or Sacrifice

When I was in high school a traumatic incident occurred in my life when I defended a fellow student who was wrongly accused. For a long time, I thought this incident was one of the lowest points in my life. The actual story is rather long. Let me just say, while attempting to challenge the […]

We Talk Funny Too

Imagine a group of people sitting in a meeting or classroom when two people, who are definitely from outside the country, walk into the room.  They are going to make a presentation. It’s clear they are a bit uncomfortable and struggling with the language. As they speak, the listeners appear a little agitated at the […]

Can’t You Be Civil?

Have you ever heard someone ask the question “can’t you be civil?” Hopefully, you were the observer of this inquiry and not the target. I actually heard this phrase used several times when I was a kid and yes, sometimes it was directed at me and my brother. I knew what it meant when one […]

Children Are a Delight! Really?

We all love children. Well, most of us do. How about those wonderful people who work with kids, particularly the tiny tots and babies? It must be so rewarding to spend time with those cute, little cherubs. They make you smile, are so much fun to play with, and they say the darndest things. They […]